10 Simple Ways to Kick Stress and Anxiety to the Curb

The majority of people have experienced stress and anxiety at least once in their lifetime – most of us actually do on a daily basis! To that effect, a new study revealed that there has been an increase in stress and anxiety among people since the covid-19 pandemic hit. In the United States, around 70% of adults say they experience stress or anxiety every day.

It is very important to keep in mind that unmanaged stress and anxiety can begin to intrude into your daily life and take a charge of your physical and mental health. That’s why we’re sharing some simple ways to help you overcome stress and anxiety. Let’s go!


Exercise is one of the most predominant activities you can do to battle stress. It might seem counterproductive, but putting your body through some physical “stress” can actually help mitigate mental stress.

The outcome of habitual exercise is noteworthy. Individuals who work out routinely are less likely to undergo anxiety than those who don’t work out. There are several reasons why it works that way. Here are some of them:

Stress hormones: A workout such as a long run can ultimately lower your body’s stress hormone, which is called cortisol. It also elevates your body’s level of endorphins, which are chemicals that enhance your mood and function as natural painkillers.

Sleep: Stress and anxiety usually affect your sleep. Exercise can boost the quality and length of your sleep.

Confidence: Frequent exercise gives you a sense of confidence and sufficiency in your body, which in turn enhances your mental health.

Adopt an activity that you find pleasant, such as walking, dancing, jogging, rock climbing, or yoga, and make it a regular habit in your life to reap the benefits!


Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that is based on the usage of aromatic materials, including essential oils, scented candles, or other aromatic compounds, with help enhance a person’s mood and health. Some studies claim that aromatherapy can drop your anxiety levels and facilitate better sleep.

Some scents are incredibly soothing. Some of the most calming scents include lavender, rosemary, vetiver, bergamot, roman chamomile, eucalyptus, frankincense, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, jasmine, orange blossom, and geranium. Try incorporating these scents into your daily routine to relieve anxiety and stress.

Lower Your Caffeine Intake

Coffee, tea, chocolate, and energy drinks all contain the stimulant caffeine. Anxiety levels have been proven to rise when high doses of caffeine are consumed. The maximum amount of caffeine each person can tolerate varies, so it is best to limit caffeine intake if you find that it makes you restless or uncomfortable.

Although numerous studies indicate that coffee might be beneficial in moderation, not everyone enjoys it. Five cups or less per day is typically regarded as a moderate amount.

Write It Down

One easy way to manage your stress is to note down the things which make you feel stressed, another approach is writing down the blessings you are thankful for. The habit of appreciation may assist alleviate stress and anxiety by engaging your conception of what’s productive in your life.

Chew Gum

Consider chewing a stick of gum for a really simple and rapid stress reliever. According to one study, those who chewed gum felt better overall and were less stressed. One possible reason why it works is that chewing gum produces brain waves that are comparable to those of persons who are relaxed. Another is that it improves blood flow to the brain when you chew gum. Additionally, a recent study discovered that persons who chewed more firmly experienced the largest reduction in stress.

So, what are you waiting for? Go on and get yourself an assortment of bubblegum flavors!

Spend Quality Time with your Loved Ones

It is necessary to surround yourself with family and friends for support and comfort at times of joy and distress. It is especially calming to have a strong support system when you are going through a tough time. Not only do your loved ones provide emotional support, but they could also help out in getting you out of the tough spot you’re in as well!

Studies have shown that spending time with friends and kids, especially in the case of women, helps release the natural stress reliever oxytocin. This outcome is known as “tend and befriend”, and is the inverse of the fight-or-flight response.

Another study indicates that having supportive relationships is a powerful shielding factor against stress and anxiety and helps enhance your mental well-being as well. Both men and women, benefit from friendship. Furthermore, it was found that individuals who had poor social connections were more susceptible to depression and anxiety.

Laugh Out Loud

“Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine” – a famous quote by Lord Byron indicates the importance of laughter in everyone’s life.

Laughing relieves stress and anxiety by relieving stress response. It relaxes your muscles by alleviating tension. Laughter can also help boost your immune system and mood. In a study of cancer patients, those who participated in laughter therapy, the results showed greater stress alleviation than those who were only distracted.

In short, laughing improves your overall health. Engage yourself in watching a funny TV show or spend time with your friends who make you laugh!

Take Up Yoga

Yoga is an ancient activity of discipline and relaxation known to help achieve physical, mental, and spiritual health. In recent times, yoga has become a familiar practice for mitigating stress among all age groups.

The aim of yoga is to connect your body and mind though it has various styles. Yoga fundamentally does this by increasing body and breath consciousness.

Yoga’s impact on mental health has been the subject of several studies. The overall consensus reached through these is that yoga can help improve mood. It may even be as helpful as antidepressant medications in treating sadness and anxiety.

The positive impact of yoga on your neurological system and stress response appears to be linked to its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that is decreased in mood disorders, as well as cortisol levels, blood pressure, and heart rate, may all be lowered with this treatment.

Practice Mindfulness

The term “mindfulness” refers to techniques that keep you focused on the present. It can help you get rid of negative thoughts that cause anxiety. Yoga, meditation, mindfulness-based stress reduction, and cognitive behavioral therapy are a few techniques for enhancing mindfulness.

Symptoms of anxiety and depression may be lessened and self-esteem is improved by mindfulness, according to a recent study conducted on college students.

Physical Intimacy

Two physical symptoms of stress are increased heartbeat and blood pressure. Positive physical contact with your loved ones can help liberate oxytocin and lower cortisol, reducing blood pressure and heart rate.

Physical intimacy through cuddling, kissing, hugging and sex can all help mitigate stress. Interestingly, even Chimpanzees also cuddle friends who are stressed!


Stress management is the key element in your life. The better you get at managing stress, the better your life will be. Stress management is not about eliminating stress but rather learning to cope with it.

Stress is everywhere – it can be present in your personal life, professional life, or both, so you must make a conscious effort to mitigate it. There are many ways to manage stress such as physical workouts, mindfulness, meditation, and having a network of family and friends. Or just open your mouth and let out a monstrous laugh!