3 Tips For Managing Stress

People hear a lot about self-care today in the media, on social media platforms, and perhaps even in the workplace. A lot of the conversation around self-care is focused on managing stress through exercise or meditation. While those are helpful strategies for many people, what if someone is injured and therefore can’t exercise? Or what if meditation — at least as it’s typically portrayed — doesn’t really resonate with the individual? Are there other ways to manage and relieve stress?

The good news is there are other practical techniques for stress management. Here are three tips that you may want to consider:

1. Allow for “breathing spaces” throughout your day

A non-stop, jam-packed schedule almost always results in unhealthy stress. Even at your busiest, it’s important to listen to the rhythms of your mind and body. You may have to consciously set aside segments of time throughout your day just to “catch your breath,” go for a walk, or enjoy a few moments of quiet.

2. Think in terms of roles rather than tasks

Much of your stress may come from the feeling that you’re not accomplishing what you want to accomplish. You may spend so much time “putting out fires” that you forget what you wanted to build in the first place.

To combat this tendency, think deeply about the roles that you most care about and want to fulfill throughout your week (e.g., mother, friend, mentor, manager). Thinking in terms of roles rather than tasks can give you the integrity to say “no” in the heat of the moment to supposedly “urgent” but ultimately trivial activities that detract from your purpose.

3. Stay connected with your support system

Humans are social creatures and have a deep need to be needed, to have the support of close friends. Of course, being supportive of others is important, too.

Regularly set aside some time to stay connected with your friends and loved ones. A brief call can brighten someone’s day. A simple text will let them know you care. As you practice concern for others, some of your self-concern will melt away.

If you put these three tips to work in your life, you may very well find that the stress you’re experiencing becomes lighter, less overwhelming, and easier to manage.

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