Anti-Aging Tips: Best Ways to Boost & Preserve Collagen in Your Face

Aging is a word that sends middle-aged people into a worried frenzy. When we’re young, our skin is fresh, and even lack of sleep or sun-basking appears to have little effect. But when you hit your 30s, you will notice crease lines and wrinkles start to appear. The reason behind this is collagen, the skin’s primary structural protein. It acts as scaffolding and adds volume so the skin is smooth and free of wrinkles.

When we’re young, our body produces an abundance of it, and while it continues making it even as we get older, collagen production will slow down almost dramatically. Moreover, factors like smoking, sun exposure, exercise, and diet can all contribute to it. This is why our skin starts to thin and form lines when collagen levels drop.

It’s not all doom and gloom, though – there are many ways to preserve the collagen in your skin and even stimulate your body to replace some of what you’ve lost.

Add Powerful Topicals to Your Skincare Routine

Within the dermatology industry, retinoids are the gold-standard topical ingredient. It’s incredibly effective in topical therapy as it helps stimulate the healthy production of collagen. It also aids in the reorganization of existing collagen. Essentially, retinoids are vitamin A derivatives that increase the levels of genes involved in collagen production. As per research, retinoids have consistently been shown to considerably reduce facial wrinkles in those who have applied them for 12 weeks.

Some people prefer Bakuchiol, which is a natural alternative to retinoids. It’s similar in its properties of stimulating skin cell turnover and collagen production but comes with the added benefit of posing less of a risk of irritation. Therefore, it’s a good alternative for those who have sensitive skin.

Vitamin C is also a powerful ingredient to give your skin a youthful glow. In addition to being an antioxidant, it also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Try using a Vitamin C serum to help your skin produce quality collagen.

Consider Professional Treatments

Many professional procedures take collagen-building to the next level. While topical treatments are easy and effective, it would be months before you start noticing results. In-office treatments, on the other hand, are more expensive, but the results are instant. These include resurfacing lasers, microneedling, and radiofrequency treatments.

You can also treat yourself to facial massages. Not only will a relaxing facial massage leave you feeling amazingly calm, but it will also help stimulate collagen production and muscle memory. Regular massages will offer stimulation that can assist in lifting and tightening the skin while also increasing blood circulation and boosting collagen reproduction. When you do this frequently, you’ll notice that it helps in maintaining a more youthful appearance.

Slather Yourself with Sunscreen

Undoubtedly, about 90% of aging skin is due to sun exposure, so consider sunscreen the ultimate collage preserver! When you use sunscreen to shield your skin from the sun, you’re making a powerful collagen-preserving move. We all know that sunscreen is essential when it comes to the prevention of skin cancer. UV exposure can also cause collagen breakdown, fine lines, and wrinkles. Dermatologists recommend a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher for best effect.

Moreover, taking some added precautions is best, particularly during those hot summer days. Consider wearing a sun hat and long, loose-fitting clothes so that your skin is covered. Sunglasses are recommended because it’s usually around the eyes where fine lines and wrinkles first appear.

Use Collagen Supplements

Thanks to an increased awareness of collagen, plenty of collagen supplements are available in the market today. This includes powders that you can easily mix into your smoothie or coffee. Research proves that collagen supplements can help increase the skin’s elasticity and the density of collagen within the skin.

Pack Up On Peptides

Peptides are a short chain of amino acids responsible for being proteins’ building blocks. Think of it like protein fragments that fool your skin into a healing process to make new and better collagen. Products with peptides help promote collagen and skin elasticity, making it firmer and smoother.

Quit Smoking

It goes without saying that a smoking habit can affect your skin. Have you ever noticed that people who smoke generally have deeper creases and lines on their faces? This is because cigarettes can age your skin in so many ways. For starters, smoking decreases blood and oxygen flow to the skin. Secondly, it creates toxic free radicals that can sop up antioxidants in the skin and damage collagen and elastin fibers. When coupled, this speeds up the process of wrinkle formation, which is why smoking can dramatically cause your skin to age faster.

Drink Lots And Lots Of Water

This cannot be stressed enough – healthy and glowing skin requires proper hydration! The thing with supplements is that they are designed only to supplement. Therefore, you must follow a healthy lifestyle even when taking collagen supplements to ensure you get the most out of it, including drinking plenty of water. Keep your skin well hydrated because it allows more room for elastin and collagen to thrive.

Incorporate Lean Protein Into Your Diet

Ensure that your diet includes sufficient amounts of protein. Lean in on high-protein foods rich in amino acids, which immensely assist collagen synthesis. Some excellent protein sources include skinless chicken breast, fish, seafood, and lean cuts of beef.

Cut Down On Sugar

Consuming too much sugar can cause dry and dull skin. This happens when the collagen starts to get weighed down by sugar. Moreover, a high-sugar diet also promotes the formation of advanced glycation end products responsible for breaking down collagen. That’s why it’s crucial to cut back on refined sugars. Once you start doing that, you will soon notice drastic improvements in your skin texture!

De-stress & Get Your Beauty Rest

Stress wears itself like a cloak on the skin; it’s easy to notice how dull and aged the skin looks when you are stressed. Since stress can cause inflammation and weaken the body’s ability to repair itself, it speeds up the process of skin aging. Life does get overwhelming for all of us, but that’s why it’s so important to follow de-stressing strategies such as meditation, reading, engaging in a hobby, or finding any way to relax and take a break. At the same time, getting adequate sleep is also important. In fact, research points out that maintaining a regular sleep schedule can drastically help with collagen renewal.

Bottom Line

Collagen is literally the elixir of youth, and there is no doubt that we all want to look young and radiant. Aging is inevitable, but your skin doesn’t have to suffer. It’s always possible to replenish your body’s collagen from within by eating healthy food and taking supplements, and opting for treatments that can help.