Positive Effects of Cycling on Aging, Physical, and Mental Health

Being fit and maintaining an active lifestyle should be a crucial part of your lifestyle, and cycling is one of the best aerobic exercises that provides countless benefits.

According to the University of Montana, “A very popular sport that also furnishes a spectacular healthy warm-up with almost lesser wounds and little strain than many other types of exercise is bicycling.” Cycling is a fun activity that can either be done in your free time, like participating in cycling marathons, or incorporated into your daily routine, like switching from the car to a bicycle for a trip to the grocery store. It is also an exciting thing to hop on the bike and hit the trails if you’re one for adventure.

So, what are you waiting for? Start pedaling to reap the benefits! But first, let us take you through the benefits of cycling on your physical and mental health (and this includes aging as well!)

Cycling For Your Psychological Wellness

We live in a world full of screens, which, while increasing convenience, has been proven to actually be the cause of stress in our lives. Cycling daily helps reduce stress by keeping you focused on an activity that makes you joyful (and is screen-free). Cycling release your ‘feel-good hormones known as endorphins which help you feel calmer and happier.

Cycling is also an activity with a pretty low barrier to entry as pretty much anyone of any age or gender can take it up easily. Even better, research has found that people with depression who cycled for 15 minutes on a stationary bike saw a reduction in their cortisol- the stress hormone.

According to Jaclyn Kubiak, PT, DPT, “One of the prime advantages of cycling is that it’s low-impact.” Jaclyn, in an interview with Celebwell, explains that “It’s been shown that cycling reduces anxiety and depression. Mainly, because you can make it fun. You get the added benefit of being outdoors or you can go do it with friends.”

You can incorporate biking so easily into your everyday routine. Not only does it provide a good workout, it also gives you an excuse to be outside and breathe in some fresh air, and gives you an opportunity to socialize. All of these provide psychological benefits!

Cycling is a Form of Aerobic Exercise

Cycling is mainly an aerobic activity, which means that your heart, blood vessels, and lungs all get a workout. Engaging yourself in regular cycling also delays aging. Studies have found that there is a correlation between aerobic exercise and strengthening one’s perception, which lowers brain degeneration among elder individuals.

Even though you can bike at your own speed comfortably, it is recommended that adults should execute around 1 hour and 15 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise per week, or perform double the hours of moderately intense aerobic exercise in that same time.

Even if you just go out to run a few errands, even a little bit of time you spend pedaling your cycle will cross healthy aerobic movement off your list. In addition to strengthening your heart, lungs, and blood vessels, pedaling for a while will burn tonnes of calories which leads us to the next point!

Cycling Aids in Burning Calories

Cycling is a great activity to incorporate into your daily routine if you are looking to lose weight. The number of calories you burn depends upon three factors: your body weight, your pedaling speed, and the time you spend cycling.

For example, as stated by Harvard Health Publishing, if an individual who weighs 125 pounds pedals for 30 minutes, they will burn all over 240 calories if they maintain a speed of 12 to 13.9 mph. That same person will burn around 300 calories if they increase the speed from 14 to 15.9 mph. And if they increase the speed of biking up to 20 mph or more, they can burn an enormous amount of around 495 calories. For someone who weighs 185 pounds pedaling the exact amount of time, it is predicted that they’ll burn off 336 calories if riding 12 to 13.9 mph.

Cycling Improves Strength, Balance, And Coordination

Balance tends to decrease with age and idleness, so it is very important to stay on top of it – and cycling can help you do that! Improved balance helps in the prevention of falls and fractures, which further reduces your risk of injury. A study revealed that a person who pedals for at least one hour per week had significantly better balance.

Cycling enhances overall function in your lower body and strengthens your leg muscles without overstressing your joints. It also improves hand-eye coordination and the strength of one’s body.

Cycling Is a Hobby for All Stages of Life

Cycling can be an enjoyable hobby at any time, no matter at what stage. Most of us learn to ride our bicycles as toddlers and then it becomes a lifelong skill.

Bicycling is always a fun hobby, and unlike a lot of other types of exercise, can be planned according to your preferences. Work your way up by beginning small in and around your neighborhood and community, and when you’re comfortable enough, look for bike trails near you.

Dr. Clare Safran-Norton, a physical therapist at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital (via Harvard Health Publishing) recommends that you should “take every necessary safety precaution before you start pedaling particularly if you have arthritis, brittle bones, or heart problems.”

He also added, “Riding a tricycle is safer if you have osteoporosis since the tricycle is firmer than a bicycle, reduced risk for a fall.” He also warns, “If you have had any fracture recently don’t ride a bike at all because another fall could make the situation worse.”


These are only a few of the benefits you can get by making cycling a part of your life. But if you are still looking for a reason to take your bicycle – don’t hesitate because it’s a lot of fun and it will just make you happier and healthier in the end. After all, a happy soul is a healthy soul, so start pedaling toward your happiness!

Don’t forget to wear your helmet, and make sure you are using the right size bike for you. Also, make sure to check whether the working condition of your bike is good, and pay keen attention to any traffic signals while cycling. Make sure to carry a water bottle along with you to keep you hydrated, apply some sunscreen, and put your pedal to the metal for safety pedaling!