Scientists Agree – A Cup of Tea Can Help You Relax!

People have different ways in which they handle mentally challenging moments in life. Having a cup of tea is usually one of the therapeutic ways people use to cope with everyday challenges. It’s no wonder why people from different parts of the world start their day with a cup of tea.

Tea has a special place in most people’s lives. For some of us, a day will not go by without a good cup of tea. Let us take a look at why this magical beverage remains to be an all-time favorite.

Tea Is a Central Nervous System Stimulant

The caffeine that the tea contains acts as a stimulant of the central nervous system. It increases the activity in your brain. As the stimulant kicks in, it opens the airways and pumps blood faster. This supports optimal brain function. As a result, it can help relieve exhaustion, improve concentration, and help you stay more focused.

Caffeine can also retain the feel-good hormone dopamine in your body for longer. It prevents dopamine from being reabsorbed, which helps keep your mood stable and elevated.

The Ritualistic Tea Time  

Tea time has always held a special place in cultures across the globe; be it at home or the workplace having tea time will instantly elevate the aura around you. A typical example would be the evening tea time at home for a South Asian family. That time is looked forward to as a break for the family where everyone gets to spend some time together and enjoy a delicious and uplifting cup of tea.

This could be true even in a modern workplace where colleagues get to share their thoughts and connect with one another, even if it is only a 10-minute tea break. Sharing a cup of tea with someone is an intimate moment and a great equalizer. It allows you to connect with them to discuss things you might have been concerned about.

Relieves Stress & Anxiety

A wide variety of warm drinks are now called tea. However, authentic tea is made using the camellia sinensis plant. Though caffeine is the substance mainly associated with the camellia sinensis plant, a chemical compound called L-theanine that it contains helps relieve stress and anxiety.

L-theanine can stimulate alpha waves in your brain to create a soothing effect even after a stressful situation. Different types of tea, like black tea, green tea, or even white or purple tea, can help you overcome stress and anxiety. Caffeine and L-theanine together help you calm down and optimize mental performance.

Keeps Your Body Hydrated

One of the significant reasons you feel good when you have tea is that it increases the fluid level in your body. It is known that a 10% drop in hydration can cause symptoms of brain fog, which may lead to poorer coordination or fuzzy thinking.

Not everyone enjoys drinking plain water to maintain good hydration. Hence going for a healthy, organic, and sugarless tea can be beneficial and exciting at the same time. 3-4 cups of tea per day is considered acceptable, adding up to half of the water content required for the day. Having tea in moderation will keep your body fresh and hydrated.

Green Tea Boosts Memory

Research shows that green tea is fantastic for improving your working memory. When working with different verbal, visual, and other kinds of data, it is vital to have clarity and good memory; this is when your cup of green tea comes to your rescue.

Good working memory is reflected in learning ability and attention. During the research, people who were given green tea did better on the exam. Also, it was noticeable that the connection between the frontal and parietal regions of the brain has enhanced. This is a subtle indication of how this tea can help you improve your memory power.

In Conclusion

Understandably, tea is so close to the heart of so many people due to different reasons. It has numerous physical and mental benefits to lift you throughout the day. Tea is a culturally significant drink people have daily and on special occasions.

Different kinds of teas have a unique effect on the body. Having said that, you must get your hands on quality tea to ensure the ingredients are toxins-free. That way, you know you’re feeding yourself and your soul with good things.