Simple Coping Strategies For Anxiety: Leaves On A Stream Meditation

The Leaves On A Stream meditation is an ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) exercise designed to help people observe their thoughts, rather than getting wrapped up in worries and anxious thinking patterns. To benefit fully from the exercise, it’s important to practice every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes, as this trains the brain to deal with thoughts and worries in a healthier way.


Find a quiet place where you can relax for 10-20 minutes without being disturbed. Minimize distractions and wear loose clothing to enable you to focus on the meditation. Sit on the floor or in a chair with your back straight. If you find it difficult to sit upright, you can lie down on a flat surface.

Leaves On a Stream Meditation

Close your eyes, allow your body to relax and take a few deep breaths. Imagine you are sitting by the side of a beautiful stream, watching the water gently flow past as you sit on the warm grass. As you watch the stream, visualize a few leaves floating on the water.

Next, pay attention to the thoughts, images, and feelings you are currently experiencing. Each time a thought or image enters your head, imagine yourself placing it on a leaf and watching it flow away. Continue the exercise for 10-20 minutes.

The aim of the exercise is to observe the thoughts, images, and feelings that pass through your mind without judging or trying to change them. Don’t look for thoughts or try to force them out of your head; simply allow them to come and go in their own time. Repeat the meditation two or three times a day for at least four weeks, as it takes time and practice before you feel the full benefits of this type of meditation.

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